Launch a Web Server Instance

We will launch an Amazon Linux 2 instance, bootstrap Apache/PHP, and install a basic web page that will display information about our instance.

2.3.1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

2.3.2. Click on Launch Instance.

Launch Instance

2.3.3. In the Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) section, select the first Amazon Linux 2 AMI and click Select.

Select AMI

2.3.4. In the Step 2: Choose an Instance Type section, select the t2.micro instance size and click Next: Configure Instance Details.

Select Instance Type

2.3.5. In the Step 3: Configure Instance Details section, select your network My VPC created and the Public Subnet 01, for Auto-assign Public IP select Enable, for IAM role select WebServerRole, expand the Advanced Details section, copy/paste the script below into the User Data field (this shell script will install Apache & PHP, start the web service, and deploy a simple web page). Click Next: Add Storage.


Configure Instance Details

2.3.6. In Step 4: Add Storage section you have the ability to modify or add storage and disk drives to the instance. For this lab, we will simply accept the storage defaults and click Next: Add Tags.

Add Storage

2.3.7. In Step 5: Add Tags section we will choose a “friendly name” for the instance by choosing Add Tag. Tag it with Key: Name and Value: Web Server. It makes it easy to keep track of running machines in a complex environment. Click Next: Configure Security Group.

Add Tags

2.3.8. In Step 6: Configure Security Group section you will create a new security group, which will be your firewall. On the assumption that we are building out a Web server, name your new security group Web Tier, and confirm an existing SSH rule exists which allows TCP port 22 from Anywhere. Click Add Rule:

2.3.9. Select HTTP from the Type dropdown menu, and confirm TCP port 80 is allowed from Anywhere (you’ll notice, that “Anywhere is the same as ‘’). Click Add Rule.

2.3.10. Click the Review and Launch button after configuring the security group.

Configure Security Group

2.3.11. In Step 7: Review Instance Launch section, review your cofiguration and then click Launch.

EC2 Review

2.3.12. Select the key pair that you created in the beginning of this lab from the drop-down and check the I acknowledge checkbox. Then click the Launch Instances button.

Launch Instances

2.3.13. Scroll down and click the View Instances button in the lower righthand portion of the screen to view the list of EC2 instances. Once your instance has launched, you will see your Web Server as well as the Availability Zone the instance is in, and the publicly routable DNS name.

2.3.14. Click the checkbox next to your Web Server to view details about this EC2 instance.

EC2 Description